Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Let's get growing!

Well, I got my garden planted.  I have never tried a vegetable garden before, so I have no idea what I am doing.  I used up some of my flower beds that had gone to weed, dug them all up (man am I sore!) and planted most everything.  I still have some seedling tomatoes, & a grape & blueberry bush that need to be planted, but I need to do a bit of research first, and the sunlight is too defused to track how long the sunlight hits where I want to plant my blueberries.  I hope I can get the blueberries to do well, my boys LOVE the little blue stain makers.  Heck, I may never know if it produces fruit since they may very well eat them as soon as possible! 

I'm excited about having the time to actually have a garden.  I've always wanted one, but knew I'd never be able to maintain it.  Hopefully I'll do well, and our family will have a bountiful harvest of healthy fresh vegetables!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Poor BooBoo

My poor little B Angel.  He had to get 2 cavities fixed & crowned first thing this morning, and was so miserable from that our whole day was shot just cuddling and eating "possisicles".  They said that he did great, only made a little noise at the very beginning & toward the end, but when she said that I had a feeling he was putting on his brave face.  Sure enough, as soon as he saw me his little lip started quivering, and he just started sobbing.  Poor thing wouldn't let me put him down for almost a whole hour.  I'm not exaggerating that, either.  I kid you not, we sat in the parking lot for 45 minutes while he sobbed & cuddled.  The landscapers were really wishing I had a job so I'd have to be on a time schedule to leave!  I'm really glad I didn't have to rush off anywhere & could just be there to hold him the whole time he needed...well, I guess I still did get him in his car seat before he said he was ready, but after 45 minutes of sitting in the car playing Angry Birds my 5 yo was ready to go.  Unfortunately we have to do this 3 more times.  There had been a mess up with our dental insurance, I had added BooBoo to our dental insurance last year, but apparently forgot to check a box saying I actually wanted him covered.  So when I took him in February for a check up and found out he had 6 teeth that needed work (2 of them were REALLY bad), we found out he wasn't in fact covered, and it was going to be $1600 out of pocket.  Ouch.  So I originally told them we would only be able to get the 2 really bad ones done first (they might actually need a root canal if we waited).  But then when I quite work it qualified as a "Life Change of Event" and we were able to add everybody on to my husband's insurance plan, so Boo Boo was covered.  But I forgot when I set up this appointment to tell them we could do all of them, so they only did 2 today, and in a month we are going to get in to do the other 4 bottom, and a few weeks after that he'll get the top one done.  So while we are dragging this stupid thing out, I am glad we did have our "Change of Event" so we could get it covered, and so I could cuddle with my poor guy in the parking lot while landscapers stare at us.  Yes, he was louder then their mower!

Friday, May 10, 2013


Yesterday when I was watching the Dr Oz Show they had somebody on there talking about a juicing fast and the benefits of juicing.  They had a few people who did it, and I mentioned it to DH.  He was surprisingly receptive to the idea.  We watched the documentary "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead", and decided that we really do need to do something and that we will try this out.  We are both overweight, he has some recent heart problems, and ongoing back problems, and I have been having problems again with my carpal tunnel.  We think that getting the nutrients we need from juice & jump starting weight loss is what we need.  It will for sure cost us more in groceries, but maybe I can start a garden, which would help cost wise later this summer, but we need to get started.  I do have a juicer, but my mom has a really nice one that she will bring us next weekend when she comes for B Angel's birthday.  I'll keep you posted on how it is working.  It looks like the first 3 days of the juice fast are not very pleasant, so maybe we'll save that for a weekend.  Does anybody have any experience in juicing that would like to add some tips to newbies?

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Gotta love her!

A few years back I was watching the some show, Rachael Ray sounds right, and heard Gabby Reese talking about the Honeyline.  It's where her and all her girlfriends pick up a cool little tip or trick, and then share it with each other, and they all add their own bit of "honey" for the pot.  I love that idea.  I even used it during the few tool parties I had where I had all the ladies share their tips and advice for home repair.  It was super cool.  So I've always kind of kept an eye on what bit of honey she has to share.  I was just watching the Dr Oz Show, and she has apparently been in the middle of some controversy over something she wrote in her new book.  She had written something about being submissive to her husband.  Gabby Reese is this awesomely powerful Olympic gold medal winning volleyball champion who is married to a champion surfer and they've been together for 17 years.  That in itself is pretty awesome.  What I find sad is how the feminist movement is saying she set them back by 30 years by saying that, instead of supporting her.  So now she's been going on talk shows, and they all want to talk about that 1 statement in her book.  Really?  Ok, I admit I am not the most submissive person in the world.  Gabby says she isn't either.  She says she has chosen to take on the role of service for her family.  Isn't that awesome?  Somebody as powerful & famous as her being proud to be doing that.  I really do feel like I'm not the only one who never really envisioned taking on this role anymore.  It's so easy to get together with other moms, and only talk about how great it is.  But I completely died to self when I took on this role.  It is hard to not see in the mirror a person with a career, and now wondering what that future may look like.  But if she can do it, I certainly can.  At least I won't have protesters on my lawn burning bras or anything.

P.S.  The other thing I loved about her segment on the show was that she claims it's good to swear, and the whole audience had to do it.  Since you don't know me, you may not know that I have a potty mouth.  It's the hardest vice to break yet.  Smoking, no prob.  Swearing...are you kidding me?!  Did you know there are actual studies that swearing alleviates pain and stress?  Really, there are, I've read them.  So, while I still need to watch my inner sailor, I feel even more connected to this awesome woman.  Thanks, Gabby!

Saturday, May 4, 2013


We were up until 1:30AM at the Drive In, and when we got home the boys woke up.  We were supposed to go to Home Depot today to build an Herb Planter at one of their kid workshops, but the 9 o'clock build was just plain too early.  We didn't even make it to the comic book store for Free Comic Book Day.  All we were able to do was go to church in the afternoon.  Maybe we won't be doing the Drive In every weekend.  I'm too old for this stuff.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Fun & Cold

Tonight the Drive In Movie Theater opens up, and is running "Ironman 3" and "Oz, The Great & Powerful".  The oldest has been wanting to watch both of those movies, and we really like to go to the drive in.  I first fell in love with them when our oldest was a baby.  You can take babies, and they can cry or nurse, and because you are in the quasi privacy of your own car, you aren't disrupting everyone around you.  It was tough to go when I worked, because I only had Sundays & Mondays off, and my husband always had to be to work in the morning, so we didn't get to go very often.  I hope we get to go more this summer.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Didn't last long

Well, tonight one of our families favorite TV shows is on one of the local channels, so I got us an antanea so we could watch it together.  The kids will still get to watch PBS Kids, and we get to watch "Big Bang Theory".  Free.  Win Win.